All events in and around the hotel
Useful info like hotel details, arrival information, check-in and check-out, internet access, doctor etc.
Provides information about hotel services
Restaurants, bistros, cafes, bars, pubs
Working hours, price lists, rules, pool or beach services, facilities information.
Information about the snow cover, ski lift prices, ski equipment rental, ski teachers, ski school.
Tee time and green fees info, golf carts, club rentals.
Facilities information, SPA menu, Price lists
Presentation of entertainment activities
All about children - kidsclub working hours, activities information
All activities and places for teens
Facilities information, classes, price lists
Facilities and business services information
Capacity charts and key amenities for all meetings and event rooms.
All interesting about the local area
Show local weather forecast
Up to 10 standard info modules created by owner
In room dinning is fast and easy with mobile room service
Request anything from amenities like towels and toiletries to services like housekeeping and luggage assistance, anytime
Sell hotel items
Request for room cleaning at certain time and date
Spa treatments or services bookings
Beauty Treatements bookings
Ski equipment rental, ski lessons or ski school booiking
Book a tee time, green fees info, golf carts, club rentals
Book a table at the restaurant or bar
Each info module have the option to book products or services
Up to 10 standard info modules created by owner
Display pictures from Instagram and Facebook
Connection to Tripadvisor or/and Holidaycheck or/and Zoover
Text with guests anytime anywhere